Mike Converted to Islam

  • 16 years ago
Following external websites provide very valuable information about Islam. I might not necessarily agree with the views expressed on every site.

1. http://www.islam.org
Islam & The Global Muslim eCommunity - Informative site about Islam and Muslims in text, audio and video.

2. http://www.islam-guide.com
A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam, Muslims, & the Quran

3. http://www.latinodawah.org
To educate Latinos and others about the Legacy of Islam in Spain, Latin America and provide free information about Islam

4. http://www.jews-for-allah.org
Jews for Allah exist to make the Messiahship of Jesus and Salvation of Allah an unavoidable issue to Jews

5. http://www.islaminfo.com

6. http://www.beconvinced.com

7. http://thetruereligion.org

8. http://www.irf.net

9. http://www.islam101.com

10. http://www.discoverislam.com

11. http://www.talkislam.org

12. http://www.islam-usa.com/index.html

13. http://www.soundvision.com

14. http://www.MuslimHeritage.com

15. http://www.messageonline.org

16. http://www.islamcode.com/index.html

17. http://www.muslimbridges.org

Remember me in your prayer ! Your BROTHER :)
