Unbelievable Pets People Actually Own

  • 6 years ago
The Craziest Unreal Pets, Mayweathers tigers and the person who owns a polar bear; These are Unbelievable Pets People Actually Own !\r
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# 15 Digit the Gorilla\r
# 14 Kirstie Alleys Pet Lemurs\r
# 13 Backyard Crocodile\r
# 12 Kinkajou\r
# 11 Chimpanzee\r
# 10 Pet Raccoon\r
# 9 Iguanas and Lizards\r
Owning pets like iguanas and lizards doesnt seem that strange, but in uality, it can be a pretty risky thing to do. Many lizards and iguanas can pose a real danger to your health. Reportedly, about 90 percent of them have Salmonella and shed it in their feces. Apparently, 93,000 people fall ill every year by exposure to Salmonella through their pet lizards.\r
# 8 Wallaroo\r
It is ually not that uncommon for people to own Wallaroos as pets. A wallaroo is closely related to the kangaroo but is smaller in size. People in search of a quirky, exotic pet might look for the Wallaroo. It needs a large amount of space to really thrive and can get pretty costly. It can be anywhere between 1,000 and 4,000 dollars to purchase a wallaroo and between 200 and 400 dollars to take care of it every month. Some people are willing to pay what it cost to take care of a wallaroo though, including Vanilla Ice. \r
# 7 Nicholas Cages King Cobra\r
Nicholas Cage is eccentric enough already on his own, but he has become even weirder with the f that he owns King Cobras as pets. He apparently even drew inspiration from his cobra named Sheba when playing his role in Ghost Rider. While he loves Sheba, he claims the Cobra hated him, and he wanted to be able to captivate and terrify the audience at the same time. \r
# 6 Tigers\r
Sure, people love cats, but big wild cats are probably too much for the normal pet owner. However, some people are committed to owning a tiger even though they are often expensive and hard to predict. One infamous pet owner is Floyd Mayweather who has had a pet tiger for a few years now and frequently gets into trouble with animal rights ivists for failing to provide the tiger with the food and space it needs. \r
# 5 Crocodile Monitor\r
Some people will buy a crocodile monitor thinking it could be like owning the safe version of a crocodile, but they are pretty dangerous despite their size. They can pack a pretty powerful bite and might even grow 8 to 12 feet in size. They can also be wildly unpredictable in temperament - running from fairly docile to extremely aggressive. A bite from a crocodile monitor could even result in a finger amputation. \r
# 4 Deer\r
Some people have adopted deer as pets. If you find a baby fawn at a young enough age, it is likely to bond with you as its parent and be a pretty friendly domestic pet. However, they are still wild animals and will not alwaysas the domesticated pet you expect it to be. Still, some people will adopt a deer such as Audrey Hepburn who had a pet fawn. \r
# 3 Wolfdogs\r
You might think that cross breeding a dog with a wolf would make a more docile version of a wolf. However, it is thought that a wolfdog is ually even more dangerous than a wolf. Wild wolves are dangerous, but they are naturally avoidant or fearful of humans, so theyre less dangerous. However, wolf dogs are still wild as a wolf but have lost their fear of humans like a domestic dog does - creating a truly dangerous combination. Despite this, people still own wolfdogs as pets, even celebrities like Kristen Stewart. \r
# 2 100-Pound Capybara\r
A family living in Texas ually owns a rodent that weighs more than 100 pounds and stands multiple feet high. Its a capybara named Gary, and he lives with the Typaldos inside their Texas home. The capybara ually belonged to someone else before it was adopted by the Typaldos. The hundred pound giant hamster sleeps, chills, eats, and swims with the family he lives with. The capybara is friendly with their other pets including their cats and tortoise. \r
# 1 Agee the Polar Bear\r
A Canadian man named Mark is best friends with this Polar Bear named Agee. He shares a swimming pool and even a bed with the 840-pound predator. Mark Dumas lives in British Columbia and has worked for the last 40 years as a Bear Trainer. Mark and Agee have formed a real bond it each other. They even nap together in the same enclosure, and Mark doesnt worry about being eaten.
