Top 20 genius inventions still only exist in JAPAN

  • 6 years ago
Be Amazed at these Top 20 Genius Inventions that Still Exist Only in Japan! Motorcycle Helmet for Females - If you are a female, putting on a helmet can be an annoying process, especially if you have a ponytail. Diagonal Crossing Paths - Remember growing up our parents told us to look both ways before crossing the street? Silent Karaoke Microphone - Are you generally one who sings loudly, whether it be in the shower or in your bedroom? Automated Stores - When you go to the store, the worst thing to possibly experience as an introvert is when one of the store clerks abruptly interrupts your shopping experience by asking you if you need help with anything. Butter Grater - Here in America, we’re used to the idea of quote-on-quote-graters to be associated with cheese. Tie Wallet - So you just got dressed and after grabbing your keys, your wallet and your phone you split out the door. Braille on Beer Cans and Easy Open Cans - Japanese beer cans in today’s day and age are designed with many special features, besides a promise to get you plastered. Vending Machines for Everything - Even though the vending machines themselves are not actually any different than vending machines in other countries. Capsule Motels - Capsule Motels would never be expected to ever pop up in countries outside of Japan. Parking Lot for Umbrellas - Everyone is used to that uncomfortable feeling of bringing a drenched umbrella into the office and having to drag water all over the floor.

Remote Control Mop - There was just a big party at your place and someone stupidly spilled something all over the floor. Sound Catcher Pillow - While watching television, it is usually expected the viewer uses his or her own ears to process the sound coming from the speakers on the television, itself. Sink Built into Toilet - Some people just don’t feel like having to get up to wash their hands in a sink that is adjacent to the toilet after they go to the bathroom. Sauce Packets - There comes a time in one’s life when the person needs to give up using a sauce package multiple times at a fast food restaurant. Ear Wax Remover - Every single doctor around the world, and who also doesn’t live in Japan is probably mad jealous that they didn’t come up with a better idea. Moveable Train Seats - These train seats are designed so that the passenger gets to decide to turn in any direction that he or she wants to. Ukihashi Chopsticks - These perfect little chopsticks are essential for the everyday Singapore office employee. Spa on Trains - This is not a joke, this is real. Imagine walking into the first class area of the plane and witnessing something as exquisite as this. Umbrella Tie - As if umbrella parking lots and wallets that can carry belongings wasn’t enough, there is such thing as umbrella ties. Automated Hotels - Imagine walking into a hotel and seeing a dinosaur greet you at the receptionist desk, well in Japan they have these
