5 Things a Man Will Do if He Truly Loves You

  • 6 years ago
How do you know if he really loves you if he doesnt come out and say it? These 5 things will show you the signs.\r
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Grab Adams book Love-Texting: \r
Unless you are some type of superhero or one of those TV psychics I keep seeing on late-night TV infomercials then you are NOT a mind reader are you?\r
So if you cant take a peek inside the head of the guy that you like, then how will you know if he really loves you if he doesnt come out and say it?\r
Well, believe it or not the signs WILL be there – clear as day – you just have to know what to look for.\r
(FACT: the signs that he loves you have nothing to do with him buying you things or treating you like a Disney Princess.)\r
Lets face it, s, TV and Michael Bolton love songs have sold you a very one-dimensional idea of what men do when theyre in love.\r
It turns out, love can be very different than what we see in Hollywood s.\r
So let me ask you, what is the most important thing that a man should do if he loves you? Please comment below.\r
Your Coach,\r
PS: Want to learn how to make ANY man more interested, engaged, and attred to you… all by using you phone? You can use these techniques to create instant, white-hot attrion with him… whether youve just met or youve been together for years.\r
To learn the secret behind Love Texting go here: \r
Summary -\r
1. He will allow you to speak your mind freely, but will also challenge you when he disagrees.\r
I personally believe you shouldnt be with someone whos not going to challenge you. He should be willing to put you in your place if youre saying things that are a little bit ridiculous. I would never want to be with a woman who doesnt question me and my behavior. Im sure you dont want to be with just a yes man. You want to be with someone who is going to give you a new perspective and someone who also allows you to speak your mind. \r
2. He will show you he loves you, but he might not always give you the affection you want.\r
You might think you want a highly affectionate man until you start dating a highly affectionate man. At the end of the day, you want a man who is affectionate and sensitive, but also has an edge. Right? Well, he might not necessarily tell you every single day that he deeply loves you, but hell do little things that show you that he cares. Maybe hell do the dishes when you werent expecting it or hell send you a cute text in the morning. Its the little things that really matter.\r
3. He will treat you like a best friend. And like any best friend, hell tease the living sh*t out of you.\r
Look, I want you right now to think about how your best friend, think back to a best friend that you have now or in the past and how that person has treated you. Thats your closest friend and at the end of the day, thats really what you want in a relationship. You want a best friend. You want someone whos going to be there for you and who you can really connect with.\r
But sometimes in the same way, that best friend is not necessarily going to be like Prince Charming. Hes gonna make fun of you. Hes gonna treat you like his friend. And thats cool, right? Now were stepping outside of Fantasyland. Were stepping into reality when it comes to relationships. And I think if you can come to terms with what a relationship will really look like with being with the best friend, and maybe youve been in a relationship where youve ually been dating a best friend, it looks very different than it would in kind of a romantic . You dont see that in Disney s. You dont see Prince Charming kind of making fun or poking fun of the princess. No, of course not. Its all about romance. And real life isnt always that way.\r
4. He will listen to your needs and wants whenever theyre reasonable, but hes also going to push back when theyre unrealistic.\r
The right guy will be very open to feedback. Hes going to want to listen to you and the things that really matter to you. However, at the end of the day, hes not always going to give you everything you want. Its not always possible.. and thats life. Were all flawed in many ways, and it is important to reset your expectations about what that really looks like.\r
5. He is going to want to spend the majority of his leisure time with you, but hes also going to want to spend some time away from you.\r
When you find a great relationship, hes still going to want to get out of the house and spend some time away with his buddies. Hes not going to want to be with you every single night, and that is perfectly ok. You shouldnt necessarily want to spend every single night together. Its
