Foods To Avoid While Suffering A Hangover | BoldSky

  • 6 years ago
When you have a terrible hangover, you body tends to dehydrate and you feel tired and sleepy the whole day. Also, you don't feel like eating foods because you suffer with a bad stomach pain that makes you feel even more tired. Here are some foods that you should completely avoid when experiencing a hangover, as they can make things worse! Eating fried foods isn't a good idea, as they will make you feel more tired and drained out. The fried and greasy foods could irritate the stomach causing digestion problems. Drinking multiple cups of coffee can worsen your hangover. It's because when the caffeine is burned out in the body, there is an immediate energy loss, which makes you feel lethargic. Burgers are full of calories and fats which might cause bloating and gas in the stomach that might make you feel more uncomfortable.
