How U.S. federal gun background checks work

  • 6 years ago
'MURICA — How do federal gun background checks work?

When a person wants to buy a gun from a federal firearms licensed dealer (FFL), he or she must provide identification and pass a federal background check, according to Fox News.

Buyers must fill out the Bureau of Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' 4473 form. The form asks basic information with a Social Security Number suggested, but not required.
The form also asks questions about criminal background, mental health and immigration status.

After form 4473 is filled out, the dealer submits it to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) online or over the phone.
If the NICS indicates the purchase can proceed, the gun sale can continue.
If the NICS cancels or denies the form, the seller cannot legally sell the gun to the buyer.

If the NICS marks the form as delayed, the sale cannot be completed for three business days. Unless a denied designation is issued, the firearms purchase can proceed after the three days.