As F.B.I. Took a Year to Pursue the Nassar Case, Dozens Say They Were Molested

  • 6 years ago
As F.B.I. Took a Year to Pursue the Nassar Case, Dozens Say They Were Molested
Meanwhile, Ms. Nichols and Ms. Raisman continued their gymnastics pursuits — both competed at the P & G Championships in Indianapolis —
but they still had received no word from any law enforcement official about the allegations now lodged with the F. B.I.
The gymnastics officials provided the agents with contact information for three gymnasts: Ms. Nichols, Ms. Raisman
and someone emerging as the central complainant: McKayla Maroney, then 19, a retired Olympic gold medalist who by the summer of 2015 had become a minor celebrity, struggling in public to find her next purpose in life — a struggle she has since indicated was related to serious emotional issues stemming from the abuse.
While Mr. Manly — who represents Ms. Raisman, Ms. Nichols
and Ms. Maroney — applauded the diligence of Mr. Hess, he expressed amazement that so little had been done for so long.
According to a person close to the family, Ms. Raisman
and her mother, Lynn, repeatedly reached out to Mr. Penny to find out about the status of the federal investigation, only to be told that an F. B.I.