Los Buscagigantes with Ramon Navarro, Ep. 6

  • 5 years ago

'Los Buscagigantes' is a Spanish term literally meaning, 'those who go searching for giants.' In this episode Chilean Ramon Navarro and his fellow searchers (or is that hunters?) find exactly what they are looking for when the biggest swell of the year hits somewhere near a remote fishing village called Los Vilos in central Chile. Ramon and the boys are in the right spot but will they manage to scratch into a few monsters?

Unlike some previous sessions, it's not just Chileans in the lineup. Californian Nathan Fletcher shows up smoking a cigarette and hauling an eleven-foot board that he uses to paddle into some of the biggest bombs of the day. The all-star cast is rounded out by Kohl Christensen and Greg Long.

Director: Rodrigo Farias Moreno
Video Producer: AguaSagrada Films
Athletes: Nathan Flecther, Ramon Navarro, Diego Medina, Greg Long, Kohl Christensen
Sports: Surfing

The Swell of the Year Hits the Middle of Nowhere | Los Buscagigantes with Ramon Navarro, Ep. 6

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