Infamous Whitewater: Kayaking Alsek & Stikine | Water & People, Ep. 4
Once a year we're lucky enough to have a massive magical multi-day kayaking trip in Alaska and Northern BC where the waters are finally navigable - and we get the sickest lines EVER...
Kayakers come from all over the world to meet up in this remotest of regions to kayak the best of the best whitewater! The scenery is epic, the weather hard and the whitewater unbelievably challenging! Enjoy.
Director: Jules Domine
Video Producer: Jules Domine
Athletes: Adrian Kiernan, Barny Young, Aniol Serrasolses, Gerd Serrasolses, Jules Domine, Simon Rutherford, Maxi Kniewasser, Mathieu Coldo Coldebella
Infamous Whitewater: Kayaking Alsek & Stikine | Water & People, Ep. 4
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Once a year we're lucky enough to have a massive magical multi-day kayaking trip in Alaska and Northern BC where the waters are finally navigable - and we get the sickest lines EVER...
Kayakers come from all over the world to meet up in this remotest of regions to kayak the best of the best whitewater! The scenery is epic, the weather hard and the whitewater unbelievably challenging! Enjoy.
Director: Jules Domine
Video Producer: Jules Domine
Athletes: Adrian Kiernan, Barny Young, Aniol Serrasolses, Gerd Serrasolses, Jules Domine, Simon Rutherford, Maxi Kniewasser, Mathieu Coldo Coldebella
Infamous Whitewater: Kayaking Alsek & Stikine | Water & People, Ep. 4
EpicTV produces hundreds of EpicTV original extreme sports series, with new video releases every day. Visit now to be the first to see the latest episodes.
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