First Test of the 2009 Nissan GT-R on a Chassis Dyno

  • 16 years ago

"The 2009 Nissan GT-R is strapped to the floor, but it's tugging at its leashes with all the power its twin-turbocharged 3.8-liter V6 can muster, moaning to itself in the way a car does when it's at full power. We can feel the air vibrating.

Only a few engineers at Nissan know what the true output of the 2009 Nissan GT-R's engine really is, and so far they're not telling. So we're inside a futuristic dynamometer cell at Harman Motive in Torrance, California, to find out. It's part NASA space lab and part Dr. Frankenstein's lab, as a huge intake duct blows air across the car and two big fans in the ceiling suck the engine exhaust out of the room. A rack of computerized hardware is poised next to the driver-side door, reading the GT-R's vital signs.

We can hear the hollow rasp of the twin-turbo V6's intake, the low resonance of the exhaust, the rush of the big tires on the dyno's rollers. Finally the long, hard pull from the engine is done, and for an instant we can feel a bubble of heat against our skin as the GT-R seems to exhale in exhaustion.

Through the window in the silver, soundproof wall of the dyno cell we can see the anxious faces of a small crowd. They're peering in at the computer as it processes the power curve from the first 2009 Nissan GT-R in the United States. "