André Balazs, Celebrity Hotelier, Is Accused of Groping

  • 7 years ago
André Balazs, Celebrity Hotelier, Is Accused of Groping
At the time, Mr. Balazs was married to Katie Ford, the daughter of Eileen
and Gerard Ford who started Ford Models, and with whom Mr. Balazs has two children.
“I witnessed behavior by André Balazs that was inappropriate and offensive,” said Mary Elizabeth Ellis, the wife of Mr. Day, in a statement.
Sarah said they stayed at dinner a short time, before Mr. Balazs suggested they leave.
“On behalf of Jason Bateman and Amanda Anka, we can confirm
that the account of André Balazs’s outrageous and vile behavior on that night in London is factual,” the statement said.
A former employee, Sarah, who worked briefly at the front desk of the Chateau Marmont in the early 1990s, is one of the women speaking up; she asked
that her last name be withheld, fearing retribution from Mr. Balazs.
