NullDC Tutorial (Revised)

  • 7 лет назад
This is Spicmaster on a new account because my older account got hacked and after the person figured out my password they deleted my account.\r
If you have speed issues then uncheck the underclock FPU option.\r
Sorry for my mumbling I was sick at the time and just couldnt really swallow well :)\r
If you are getting the dreaded nullDC has stopped working bug try to update your C++ Redistributable to the new SP1 and get the 64-bit version also (-bit Users). If it still happens then get all automatic updates for Windows since that may fix the dependency issues for some things. Get the latest Service Packs. Its Service Pack 1 for Windows 7 and SP1 and then SP2 for Vista (Stack them).\r
I noticed that the nullDC has stopped working bug happens on my Dell Laptop with Intel HD integrated graphics. If you are getting that problem its probably because of a video card that cannot handle the initialization when you try and run a game (card cant handle it).\r
Update your video card drivers to the latest as well.\r
Dreamcast Bios Files (Link Updated): \r
Null DC: \r
Visual C++ Runtimes:\r
2005: \r
2005 64-bit: \r
2008: \r
2008 64-bit: \r
new: \r
new 64-bit: \r
ISOs and Games:\r