Pink Joovy Travel System Review (By Anna)

  • 7 yıl önce
Annas First Video Pink Joovy Travel System. Anna just had a birthday a few weeks ago as Im sure everybody knows. She asked for this travel system for a entire year. I have heard about travel systems so much I can tell you everything about them in detail. We saved up and were able to buy her one. Expensive as it was it seems to be very awesome and tuff. Yall telling Anna she needed to make her own video she priced and priced then she told me Daddy Im ready to Make my video of my Pink Joovy travel system. Dont say it wrong she will correct you in a hurry. She went out side and prepped a sight to shoot it and picked up every stick and rock them put a tarp down so her wheel wouldnt get dirty. Now all we are hearing about is a reborn baby.\r
Can all you with kids around her age let them watch this it would mean a lot to Anna. Thanks