Review This: Marvel Netflix - The Defenders

  • 7 years ago
So we finally see the Defenders the culmination of the first phase of the Marvel Netflix properties. This particular Netflix series does have a feel of climax but not as powerful as its big brother the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I will say that I am slightly disappointed that the Kingpin introduced in Daredevil season one. During the first four episodes the bonding of our heroes seemed rushed at best until the end when the beginnings of one of the best friendships in comics begins to blossom.

The fight scenes still leave something to be desired the choreography seemed slightly off. Daredevil is the leader, Luke Cage is the conscious, Jessica is the realist, and Iron Fist is still getting character development and defining his focus.

Then we had a twist, followed by another twist, which set us up for the next phase of the Marvel Netflix Cinematic Universe which may or may not be affected by the recent announcement by Disney to have its own streaming service.

So what do I give the Defenders?

3.75 overall It wasn’t spectacular but it was good I enjoyed every minute but I wasn’t overly thrilled like I was with Daredevil or Luke Cage and it didn’t have the intrigue of Jessica Jones and it didn’t have….. Well let’s not discuss Iron Fist. Missing elements in the storyline from other MCU properties like the Slokovia Accords dealing with super powered registration act can be considered implied but have gone unmentioned.

Tune into The Talk Show Live Sunday 6pm to discuss further and hear my review of a movie in theaters now.

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