The forest 0.16b《森林》 Part 16 - 全新的開始

  • 7 yıl önce
The Forest is a first-person survival horror video game in development by Endnight Games for Windows. In The Forest, the player must survive on an island on which their charers plane has crashed by creating shelter, weapons, and other survival tools.During the game the developers want players to question whether the islands cannibalistic tribe is the enemy of the player or vice versa.\r
《森林》SKS Games旗下作品,开放式的生存恐怖游戏。在这款单机游戏森林中,玩家要通过制作道具,探索地图来达成求生的目的。玩家们可以用树木来建造营地,生火来取暖,还要不停的寻找食物以防被饿死。玩家们可以通过潜行来避开敌人,也可以用由树枝和石头做的粗制武器来和他们战斗。玩家们还会面对一群基因变异的种族,他们像人类一样有信仰、家庭,甚至有道德感,玩家将面临严重的道德考验。\r
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