Trump Disavows Nuclear Deal, but Doesn’t Scrap It

  • 7 years ago
Trump Disavows Nuclear Deal, but Doesn’t Scrap It
“What’s done is done,” Mr. Trump said, “and that’s why we are where we are.”
The president seemed determined to erase any residual hope
that the nuclear deal might form the basis of a new relationship between the United States and Iran.
The leaders of Britain, France and Germany quickly issued a joint statement urging the United States to adhere to the agreement, which they hailed as
“the culmination of 13 years of diplomacy.” Iran’s president, Hassan Rouhani, said his country would consider “no amendment whatsoever” to the deal.
WASHINGTON — President Trump announced on Friday his decision to disavow the Iran nuclear agreement, threatening to leave the
deal altogether if it was not amended to permanently block Tehran from building nuclear weapons or intercontinental missiles.
Critics said Mr. Trump risked isolating the United States diplomatically
and giving up the deal’s hard-won gains, including intrusive inspections of Iran’s nuclear facilities.
And 15 or 25 years from now, we still have the same military options we have today.”
“If you want to have your war, Donald Trump,” Mr. Kerry said, “you can have it in 20 years.”
Congress is deeply divided on the Iran deal, and getting it to agree on additional legislation could prove difficult.
