Mother's love for her daughter in COH

  • 7 years ago
How can you possibly know what I am going through?
The truth is, the people that spent a lot of time with me, that's my friend. Cause
"When I am struggling with life, I tend to withdraw/isolate myself rather than to seek help from loved ones. Then when I return, it sometimes feels like people have detached themselves from me and I have to work very hard to reconnect with them again."

The only one thing is sure, my mother is alway there for me. That give me great courage to move forward. Take me a lot of courage to film this video, I am sure my mother felt that way too.

An insights to my daily activities with Christian Outreach to the Handicapped in Singapore.
I aims to raise awareness among young non-autistic audiences, to stimulate understanding and acceptance in the future generations. It is intended to be viewed, and shared widely by anyone but especially teachers and parents.

Christian Outreach to the Handicapped (COH) is a not-for-profit voluntary welfare organisation.
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