FIX THE EURO: Macron now to demand Merkel’s support in rescuing Eurozone from crisis

  • 7 years ago
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FIX THE EURO: Macron now to demand Merkel’s support in rescuing Eurozone from crisis
AFTER Angela Merkel’s narrow victory in the German elections, efforts across the continent will now be focused on fixing the flaws in the single currency. Previously, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her finance minister, Wolfgang Schaeuble have been pushing back against many of Mr Macron's ideas, but now the election is out of the way Germany might be more open to speeding the ideas up.Nicolas Veron, senior fellow at the Bruegel think tank in Brussels and at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington, said: “In several ways, the coming 12-18 months represent an exceptional opportunity for European reform.”His reasons include that the European economy is growing and France and Germany - the biggest EU countries - have news governments with fresh mandates from voters.

Back in August Merkel said: “I could imagine an economy and finance minister so that we achieve a higher degree of harmonisation of competitiveness.”Mrs Merkel’s fourth term win has been marred by the success of anti-immigration party Alternative for Germany, AfD; the first right-wing nationalist party in the country’s parliament since the Nazi party, and the euro dropped this morning after her worse-than-expected result.Speaking to the Financial Times, Timothy Graf, head of macro strategy for the EMEA region at State Street Global Markets said: “In forcing German Chancellor Angela Merkel to cobble together a coalition with at least two other parties, the potential for headline risk is at its highest.”Despite the win Mrs Merkel will have to reach out to a collection of smaller parties in order to form a government, which she indicated may not be in place until Christmas, in order to carry out her fourth term as Chancellor.. 00FastNews. Please Subscribe!

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