'We've wasted a YEAR!' Labour MP attacks Tory Brexit approach ahead of Theresa May speech

  • 7 years ago
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'We've wasted a YEAR!' Labour MP attacks Tory Brexit approach ahead of Theresa May speech
THERESA MAY and the Conservative Brexit strategy has been slapped down by a Labour MP who says the Prime Minister has “wasted a year” of Britain’s lives while negotiating the country’s European Union divorce. Ahead of Theresa May’s speech, in Florence, Italy, where she is expected to declare “Britain’s future is bright” as she calls for a bold and creative agreement with the EU.Speaking directly to the 27 European Union leaders, the Prime Minister will say they all have a “profound sense of responsibility to make this change world smoothly and sensibly”.Mrs May will say: “If we can do that, then when this chapter of our European history is written, it will be remembered not for the differences we faced, but for the vision we showed; not for the challenges we endured but for the creativity we used to overcome them; not for a relationship that ended but a new partnership that began.” “While the UK's departure from the EU is inevitably a difficult process, it is in all of our interests for our negotiations to succeed. “So I believe we share a profound sense of responsibility to make this change work smoothly and sensibly, not just for people today but for the next generation who will inherit the world we leave them.“The eyes of the world are on us but if we can be imaginative and creative about the way we establish this new relationship ... I believe we can be optimistic about the future we can build for the UK and for the EU.”However, Theresa May’s speech has been condemned by Labour MP Heidi Alexander, who claims the “British people are paying the price” for the Prime Minister’s contributions to Brexit.Speaking on the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire programme, the MP for Lewisham East said: “We’ve got to be honest, it’s wasted a year in these negotiations.“We’ve had meaningless phrases from the Prime Minister – ‘Brexit means Brexit, right, white and blue Brexit, – and we’ve had threats from the Government if they don’t get what they want they’re going to withdraw cooperation on security matters or slash corporation taxes.

“What I think we’ve seen over the last year is the British people paying the price for this shambolic approach to negotiations, because the pound has plummeted, prices are going up faster than wages are going up and we’ve now got the slowest growing economy in the G7 compared to the fastest growing one before the referendum.”Brexiteers have also criticised the expected contents of Mrs May’s speech, labelling it a “partial step to not leaving” the EU.Wetherspoon chairman Tim Martin, who played a central role in the campaign to take Britain out of the bloc, insisted the two-year transitional deal proposed by Theresa May will only be used as ammo by Remainers to thwart Brexit.Mr Martin told Sky News: ““I’m depressed by what I’ve heard about a two-year transition period and paying money to the EU. “We’ve been told that the Government lawyers say there is no legal basis for paying, and a two-year transition deal takes you to 2021 – that’s five years after the referendum.“Hillary Benn saying stay within the single market and the customs union, so I think five years is quite a long time. “If everything goes wrong in the economy before then, all the Remainers will say this is because of Brexit.“It’s a partial step to not leaving the EU, that’s how I see it.”. 00FastNews. Please Subscribe!

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