Rep. Raul Labrador, ID: Questions Comey on FBI Thoroughness and Scope of Hillary Investiga

  • 7 years ago
Rep. Raul Labrador, ID, tells FBI Director Comey that he questions the thoroughness and the scope of the FBI investigation. He questions Comey on the .
Rep King, Iowa Asks Comey lots of specifics as to Paul Combetta and his posts on Reddit, immunity documents, two immunity agreements given to Bryan .

Rep Jiim Jordan, OH: Runs through dates, timing as to Cheryl Mills being tipped off as to letters to preserve, and suspicious timing of Combetta wanting to strip .
Rep. Ratcliffe expresses his utter disbelief that the FBI allowed 2 central witnesses [Heather Samuelson & Cheryl Mills] in the room with Hillary Clinton during her .
