What Would Jello Do? Part 50: TRUMP STOLE THE ELECTION Part 1!

  • 7 years ago
Jello Biafra in part 1 of this multi-episode WWJD: TRUMP STOLE THE ELECTION!\r
Jello Biafra in part 2 of this multi-episode WWJD: TRUMP STOLE THE ELECTION!\r
Jello Biafra in part 3 of this multi-episode WWJD: TRUMP STOLE THE ELECTION! Recorded in San Francisco 12/1/16, this new one is split into 2 parts- tune in .\r
Jello Biafra in part 4 of this multi-episode WWJD: TRUMP STOLE THE ELECTION! This new one (recorded in San Francisco 12/1/16) is split into 2 parts- this .\r
Short spoken word snippets from Alternative Tentacles thoughtlord Jello Biafra on current events.\r
