Poll: 93% Of Trump Supporters Still Stand Behind Him

  • 7 years ago
A recent poll conducted by the University of Virginia Center for Politics shows that 93% of those who voted for President Donald Trump approve of the job he is doing.

A recent poll conducted by the University of Virginia Center for Politics shows that 93% of those who voted for President Donald Trump approve of the job he is doing.
Further, when asked which animal they associate with the president, "'Lion' was cited by Trump voters far more than any other animal," according to a university press release.
In addition to the animal question, the poll is unique in that it explores the grayer areas within what approval means. When asked to identify the strength of their convictions, 42% described their approval as “strong” while 51% placed theirs in the “somewhat” category. 
The release notes that "men were more likely to be strong approvers than women (44 percent of men were strong approvers vs. 39 percent of women); respondents over 65 were the only age group where strong approvers outnumbered somewhat approvers (48 percent-46 percent)."
One thing they all appeared to agree upon was their dislike of Hillary Clinton. 92% of respondents said their view of her was “unfavorable.”
Among the non-Republican politicians mentioned in the poll, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders performed the best, receiving 20% and 21% favorability, respectively. 
The poll involved 1,000 Trump voters and was conducted between April 17 and 19. The center also held 8 focus groups with participants of various political leanings.