Street Artist Draws Masterpieces Into Grime on Filthy Trucks

  • 7 years ago
One street artist is taking Moscow by storm with his ability to transform dirty vehicles into works of art by drawing masterpieces on them. Nikita Golubev, who goes by the handle ProBoyNick, carves intricate images into the grime built up on the back of semis and other vehicles that he finds parked on the Moscow streets.

Nikita Golubev, who studied medicine and is a paediatrician by profession, moonlights as an artist, drawing pictures on vehicles parked on streets throughout the Russian capital. He was inspired to use dirty cars and trucks as his canvas after walking around his neighbourhood one morning and seeing random drawings on cars parked on the road.

Nikita posts his artwork regulary on his Instagram account and his work has gotten some serious recognition. He now boasts nearly 20,000 followers, causing him to get noticed by some big time Moscow TV shows. It looks like doing the dirty work is starting to pay off big for Nikita Golubev.
