My Live Stream - Mark N Tompkins

  • 7 years ago
Locally famous matte painter Mark N Tompkins started performing in school plays and productions at a very young age. This talented boy from Staten Island, New York City grew up in a big family, surrounded by his siblings and his parents. His mother worked as a social worker, while his father was a driver.

Influenced by his family, Mark N Tompkins first decided to study art and painting but after a short time he convinced himself that acting is the right career for him, and quit everything just to follow his dream. His acting career in New York City mostly consisted of doing live theater performances and playing in Off-Broadway shows.

But all of that was about to change in the late 90’s when Mark N Tompkins got his big break and was cast for his first major movie role. The viewers were taken by his charisma and natural talent, and before you knew it he was appearing in Hollywood blockbusters with huge earnings at the box-office. As part of his most recent project, the actor lent his voice for an animated movie.

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