U.S. launches missile strike on Syria base in response to chemical attack

  • 7 years ago
MIDDLE EAST — The United States has launched its first direct assault on a country YouTube doesn’t want us to talk about — the same country whose government forces eliminated more than 80 of their own people with a nerve gas.

According to a statement released by the Pentagon, 59 Tomahawk cruise payloads were launched from two U.S. Navy destroyers stationed in the eastern Mediterranean Sea on Thursday.

The payloads targeted Shayrat Airfield in Homs province, which is believed to be where the banned chemical weapons were fired from.

The strike damaged aircraft, infrastructure and equipment at the base, but no losses of life have been reported thus far.

Russian forces stationed at the base had been warned of the coming hit, which television in the country YouTube won’t let us talk about later called American aggression. In contrast, the largest armed rebel group in the country says it welcomes any U.S. intervention against the county’s dictatorial regime.