President Trump says Democrats responsible for failed healthcare bill http://BestDramaTv.Net

  • 7 yıl önce
'트럼프케어' 표결철회로 사실상 폐기…트럼프 리더십에 큰 타격
U.S. President Donald Trump has expressed surprise and disappointment at the collapse of legislation designed to replace former president Barack Obama's healthcare reforms.
The Republican Party withdrew the bill without a vote in the U.S. Congress when it became clear there was insufficient support for it.
Trump has blamed Democrats for the failure,... telling the Washington Post that not one member of the party would vote in favor of the bill.
Reports suggest that up to 35 Republicans were also opposed to it.
The development is a big blow to the president as the repeal of Obamacare was one of his main campaign promises.

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