PM promises to make Pakistan ‘Asia’s tiger’

  • 7 years ago
GWADAR: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Thursday announced various development schemes for Gwadar including construction of a hospital and a university, calling it an era of development for the people of the region.

Addressing a public rally in Gwadar on Thursday, he said no other party had ever started development of the area during their tenure.

“Pakistan will become Asia’s tiger after completion of development projects in the country, especially Balochistan,” said the PM.

The premier also announced Rs 1 billion package for renovation of sewerage system and lanes in the city.

He claimed with the dedicated efforts of the present government Balochistan has been put to the road of progress and development.

Referring developments in the area, he said the road network constructed in Balochistan will generate economic development, open colleges, universities and setting up industries will help elevate poverty. He said the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is a game changer for the entire nation.

He said top 50 students of Balochistan would be given admissions to top universities of the country.

Mr. Sharif also vowed to provide clean drinking water to the people of Gwadar.

The prime minister also announced that a group of 50 youths including girls’ from Gwadar would be sent to China to learn Chinese language.
