Jennifer Garner Blows Off Marriage Reconciliation Question
  • 7 years ago

[Hi Jennifer, um, obviously everyone’s really quite interested in what’s going on, I don’t know if you’d care to make a comment.]

Unsurprisingly, Jennifer wasn’t in the mood to discuss what our photographers were referring to, which is her rumored reconciliation with husband, Ben Affleck.

One week she’s gearing up to file for divorce, the next we hear they’re committed to try and make things work… While Jennifer isn’t using her voice, we couldn’t help but notice that she’s not wearing her wedding ring.

The actress was enjoying a dressed down shopping trip in her Brentwood neighborhood, and there’s a million reasons why she wouldn’t necessarily feel the need to pop her ring on for a casual outing.

Also, who’s to say that a ring would dictate anything about the progress she’s making in salvaging her marriage?

Ben and Jen split up back in 2015, but have remained extremely close and committed to raising their family… And as far as they’re concerned, it seems their relationship status is strictly family business.