Watch Trump Brutally Mock Clinton's Use Of Red 'Reset' Button With Russia

  • 7 years ago
During a press conference on Thursday, President Trump slammed Hillary Clinton for her attempts to "reset" relations with Russia.

In 2009, Hillary Clinton presented the Russian foreign minister with a red "reset" button while she was secretary of state. The prop was a symbolic gesture meant to express the Obama administration's intent to work on improving relations between the two countries.
Considering the tensions have actually grown between the U.S. and Russia since 2009, during his press conference on Thursday, President Trump lashed out at Clinton's use of the "reset" button amid the larger conversation about how he'd like to see better relations with Russia just like other administrations in the past.
Trump said, "Hillary Clinton did a reset, remember? With the stupid plastic button that made us all look like a bunch of jerks. Here, take a look. He looked at her like, what the hell is she doing with that cheap plastic button? "
He added, "Hillary Clinton, that was the reset, remember it said reset? Now if I do that, oh I'm a bad guy. If we could get along with Russia, that's a positive thing."
Trump also said, "I didn't do anything for Russia. I've done nothing for Russia. Hillary Clinton gave them 20 percent of our uranium. "
Vox did an analysis of Trump's uranium claim and noted, "...the claim that Clinton gave 20 percent of America’s uranium to Russia is incorrect and clearly misleading."