Eurasian lynx

  • 7 years ago
Lynx (Felis lynx)

* Family: Felidae,

* Species: Lynx lynx

* Type: Mammal,

* Diet: Carnivore,

* Size: Head and body, 32 to 40 in (80 to 100 cm); Tail, 4 to 8 in (10 to 20 cm),

* Weight: 22 to 44 lbs (10 to 20 kg),

* Protection status: Threatened

** he lynx is a solitary cat that haunts the remote northern forests of North America, Europe, and Asia. Lynx are covered with beautiful thick fur that keeps them warm during frigid winters. Their large paws are also furry and hit the ground with a spreading toe motion that makes them function as natural snowshoes.

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