What Is The Best Digital Photo Software Tool?

  • 16 ปีที่แล้ว
http://HurleyPix.com/easy - What's the best digital photo software available?

Is it Photoshop?

Or another completely different editing tool?

In all honesty I have only used one tool for ALL my digital photo editing...

That tool has allowed me to do things like play around with photo effects, photo image editing, resizing, cleaning images, creating eCovers and LOTS more.

There's been moments of frustration but they're usually won over by the brilliant results I've managed to squeeze out...

And that tool, as you probably already know, is Adobe Photo Shop. (You'll find it to be a very treasured friend!)

It's not only the Photoshop actions or Photoshop plugins that make this such a cool image editor.

It's the fantastic flexibility that Photoshop gives you.

You could disappear into the world of Photoshop for days at a time and go on an adventure into an incredible world filled with beautiful design, sharp edged images, and snappy logos.

Of course you might even have Illustrator CS open too!

Let's see... you dose up on a few crafty Photoshop tutorials and start cranking out mini portfolios... and then watch as 'Photoshop admirers' beat a path to your door...

Asking you sweetly... "Can you please do a little logo for me..?" Or... "Um, I really could do with a new ecover design..."

But the question really is...

Is Photoshop the best digital photo software available?

You KNOW the answer to that... :)

