A Grand Nikaah For Saif Ali Khan And Kareena Kapoor

  • 7 years ago
After a registered marriage, Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor exchanged wedding vows in Islamic tradition, on Tuesday. Saifeena's nikaah was conducted at Taj Mahal Palace, in Mumbai and was attended by family and close friends of the bride and the groom. While Kareena wore her mother-in-law Sharmila Tagore's vintage bridal dress, Saif slipped into a brocade achkan created by Raghavendra Rathore. Kapoor's close friend and ace designer Manish Malhotra helped her get ready, for her Nikaah. The couple registered their marriage yesterday afternoon, at Saif's residence in Mumbai. The Nikaah is expected to be followed by two lavish receptions, at the Patuadi Palace and New Delhi, respectively.
