Count to 20 - Toddlers and Preschool Children

  • 7 years ago
Learn to count to 20 under the sea with animated tropical fish, octopus and jelly fish. A colorful video perfect for toddlers and preschool children.

Teach your toddler (or baby) to count to 20 in this fun and entertaining video. Perfect for preschoolers, children attending kindergarten or for parents home schooling their children. It's never to early to help your child learn ... and we help make it fun too!

We are pleased to announce our first 60+ minute educational video available to rent or download and own it! This video and over 30 other different videos ... and dozens of small entertaining video clips make this an hour of fun and great education for your toddler or preschool child! Enjoy ... Simple goto:



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Educational Videos for Toddlers and Preschool Children:

Wee Bee World Productions are dedicated to educational videos for toddlers and preschool children. We provide creative and entertaining content for parents to use as an educational tool in their child's development.

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Wee Bee World Productions
Educational Entertainment for Children
"Love, Laughter, Diversity and Acceptance"