Bill Clinton is going to be the bestest First Gentleman ever

  • 8 years ago
WASHINGTON — Back when Bill Clinton was Arkansas governor, he developed quite a taste for Taiwan.

He visited four times as governor and developed the habit of disappearing every night on his two later trips. Word is he was getting into someone at the Foreign Ministry.

Reporters from our sister publication Next Magazine were able to verify that the rumors were true, although they never published the story. According to them, Bill would pretend to be sick so that he could cancel all his engagements in order to spend time with the mystery woman.

Taiwan is looking forward to having Bill back in the White House, even if it is only as First Gentleman.

As First Gentleman, Bill will have several roles to fill. He’ll have to take care of the White House while Hillary is busy running the country.

Bill will also be in charge of all social and ceremonial functions at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

The First Dude will need some pet projects and some type of social cause to champion.

As FGOTUS, Bill will also be traveling a lot internationally. Guess that means our foreign relations should improve significantly.