Report Questions If Donald Trump Is Really Being Audited By The IRS

  • 8 years ago
Donald Trump has said many times that he can’t release his tax returns due to a pending IRS audit. Trump campaign claims that do not line up with IRS protocols have caused some to question whether there is, in fact, an audit going on at all.

Donald Trump has said many times that he can’t release his tax returns due to a pending IRS audit.
While the IRS can certainly be sticklers on some matters, the service has noted it really couldn’t care less if somebody shares a return that is under review. 
That and other Trump campaign claims which do not line up with IRS protocols have caused some to question whether there is, in fact, an audit going on at all. 
On Thursday, CBS News shared a number of such inconsistencies, including the fact that the IRS sends an audit letter, yet Trump and his people have been reluctant to share even that correspondence.
The network also notes that a letter distributed by Trump’s tax attorneys confirming their client’s 2015 return was under review carried a date of March 7, 2016. 
Citing a tax expert, CBS reports the odds are slim that the IRS would have flagged a return that early in the year. 
Newsweek raised similar points back in August. 
It also suggested Trump may be hiding behind the audit excuse to spare himself the publicizing of his income and charitable giving as they may not be as huge as he claims. 
