Ralph Nader Warns Consumers About The Need To Buy Genuine Kryptonite

  • 8 years ago
I work at a Starbucks. After a small rush a very confused looking woman came in and asked with a straight face, "Do you guys have anything to drink?" I had to do a double take on the spot. I mean I understand if you've never been in the store but there are drinks all around the place, it blew my mind how oblivious some people can be to their surroundings.
[]Nothing to worry about, that kind of diet can sustain you just fine until the day you die.
[]/r/idontworkherelady is right up your alley
[]Presenter wrongly assumes that people choosing to stay inside an mandatory evac zone use logic & reason.
[]"Fuck. You.... Captain."
[]Then if you're truly valuable you won't have a problem finding somewhere else and it'll be good riddance anyway.
[]also the quantization of matter and energy has been experimentally verified many times and is very far from being "ad hoc"
[]Retail. Two of my favorites are "Do you know my PIN number?" and "Why don't you know where my car is???"
[]Holy shit I just woke up my roomate laughing so fucking hard! That was funny as fuck.
[]The suits were banned because they made you float, not because of their low resistance. The thing is, if just hydrophobic fabric would create the least amount of drag we would all be wearing plastic suits. But those sharkskin suits are actually a lot better at reducing drag than a plain hydrophobic fabric. Those sharkskin suits use advanced fluid dynamics properties to create controlled vortexes and reduce the uncontrolled "turbulence". This reduces total drag way more than just a hydrophobic coating. (And a coating on those suits would pretty much counter the sharkskin effect).
[]ITT: Reddit Pedo Defence Force in action. This shit is why SRS exists.
[]We're done working for your amusement.
[]Arial Blep.
[]that she wants to make it sexual and or uncomfortable for the male employee
[]also the quantization of matter and energy has been experimentally verified many times and is very far from being "ad hoc"
[]There is no way this should be getting legitimate upvotes, wonder if they're brigading or buying votes for this.
[]I'm in the US, and TIL that cigarette machines are a thing.
[]Kind people that aren't dicks are highest and equal of value. The fuck do I care how retarded you are or how many lives you can save, don't be a dick.
[]Thanks for the history lesson, still doesn't change the fact that the Dutch were absolute pricks to Africans.
[]I work in a meat department, in a grocery store. I was asked how come we don't sell veggie burgers in the meat department, and if we could make some of they order any.
Please tell me you're 8 years old.

LOL, no! You need to add about 50 years to get my age. It was back in the early 1970's that they had the wired remote.
[]This is the one.
[]I was propositioned by an EXTREMELY overweight prostitute on the green.

I just like that story.
[]I work on death row and one of our killers scratches on the walls at all hours of the night.

