Ohio EMS Crew Finds Human Heart Sealed In A Ziploc Bag

  • 8 years ago
Fields are filled with all sorts of objects discarded by people, like soda cans, food wrappers, and, it seems, human hearts.

Fields are filled with all sorts of objects discarded by people, like soda cans, food wrappers, and, it seems, human hearts.
Actually, it was only one heart, likely human and sealed in a Ziploc bag. 
A crew of EMS workers in Norwalk, Ohio came upon the organ in late August as they walked through a field, reports CBS News. 
Nobody really knew what to make of it at first, but it was eventually sent to the coroner's office for a thorough examination.
Authorities are hoping the exam will provide clues as to where it came from. 
According to an officer with the Norwalk Police Department, some possible origins have been largely ruled out. 
Sgt. Jim Fulton told BuzzFeed News, “From the condition of the heart, it doesn’t appear we have a Jack the Ripper type of case going on. We don’t want the public to worry. Like someone ripping out people’s hearts — we don’t think that’s the case here.” 
For now, the incident is officially categorized as an "Unusual Occurrence.”
