矢野顕子 (Akiko Yano) - 02 - 1976 - 長月神無月 (Nagatsuki Kannazuki) [full album]

  • 8 years ago

01 - あんたがたどこさ [Anta gata doko sa / Where you Were] - 00:00
02 - あわて床屋 [Awatetokoya / Panic Barber] - 02:35
03 - いもむし ごろごろ [Imomushi gorogoro / Rumbling Caterpillar] - 05:18
04 - 待ちぼうけ [Machibōke / Waiting in Vain] - 06:30
05 - アメフリ [Amefuri / Rainy Weather] - 08:51
06 - 相合傘 [Aiaigasa / Share an Umbrella] - 09:40
07 - 金太郎 [Kintarō] - 11:56
08 - あの町 この町 [Ano machi kono machi / This Town, That Town] - 13:26
09 - 風太 [Fūta] - 15:52
10 - 君が代 [Kimigayo] - 19:09
11 - 達者でナ [Tasshadena / Crafty] - 22:18
12 - 絹街道 [Kinukaidō / Silk Road] - 25:56
13 - 津軽ツアー [Tsugaru tsuā / Tsugaru Tour] - 29:10
14 - ジャイアンツを恋うる歌 [Jaiantsu o kouru uta / Love Song for Giants] - 33:45

Disc Issue Info
Year: 1992 (re-issue)
Catalogue Number: TKCA-30755
Media: CD


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The above translation of song names/lyrics may not be accurate, if you want to help translating the songs, please contact me!