Woman Turning 103 Says Beer Has Aided Her Longevity

  • 8 years ago
On August 31, Mildred Bowers of South Carolina will turn 103 and says that a key factor in her longevity is beer.

Many search for the secret to a long life, and who better to ask than a person successfully living one?

On August 31st, Mildred Bowers of South Carolina will turn 103 and says that a key factor in her longevity is beer. 

In fact, she enjoys a pint every day at 4 pm. 

Some time ago, it was asked if doing such a thing would be fine and her doctor gave the okay.

Staffers at the assisted facility where she lives are on board with the plan, too, ensuring she always gets her afternoon cold one. 

As for whether others should try it, Bowers says, “Yes, if they like it.”  
