100% Living Teaser - Spirituality

  • 8 years ago
Being fit does not merely mean joining a gym and lifting heavy weights, neither does it mean spending an hour on a treadmill. Rather, being fit is a holistic lifestyle choice that one must make. This is what business magnate & fitness enthusiast Yash Birla terms as 100% Living, a philosophy that has been his life's mantra. Over the years, 100% Living has brought him good health, spiritual growth & corporate success all in unison with each other.Through this DVD, titled 100% Living, Yash Birla would like to share his message of holistic living. Mr. Birla is guided by values that are Indian at heart, a fact that will make this DVD very easy adopt in a market where holistic living has always been looked upon as a western concept. It answers a lot of questions about looking fit, understanding spirituality and managing both along with the pressures of corporate life. The DVD offers 2 language options -- Hindi & English and will be available in all retail & music stores from the 23rd Of October 2012
