Germanwings 3D Crash Animation and Explanation | X-Plane 10

  • 8 years ago

An A320 crashed into the French Alps. This is what we know about the crash right now.

Keep in mind that this is just a simple animation, made in X-Plane 10. It's not the same repaint. It's only made for letting you understand what happened.

The added text isn't perfect so: if you want to read it again:

- The A320 departs from Barcelona at 24th of March.
- When it reached it cruise altitude of 38.000ft, it suddenly starts to descend rapidly.
- Research confirmed that the pilot wasn't in the cockpit when the plane started to descend. He probably left the cockpit to go to the toilet.
- The plane is flying towards Dusseldorf, and on it's way towards it, it'll pass the French Alps (as shown below).
- The plane is descending with a vertical speed of 4000 (not exactly). Within 8 minutes the plane lost almost 32.000ft. hight.
- When the pilot is done at the toilet, he wants to return to the cockpit again. He knocks on the door: no answer.
- The pilot contacts the co-pilot via his headset. No answer again. The passengers in the front of the plane now starts to realize the plane is losing height.
- The pilot also know the plane is going down, and starts knocking the door harder. No answer again.
- The air traffic controllers ask other planes to make contact to the cockpit, without result. The plane is heading towards the French Alps.
- The pilot tries to force the cockpit door to enter the cockpit. No result. Passengers realize there is something terribly wrong, and on the final moments, they start to yell.
- The plane is now flying around the 2200ft.
- Because of research we now know the co-pilot, who was in the cockpit all time, was breathing. He didn't pass out or died in the air. He was taking the plane down by himself.
- Then, the impact was there...

Rest in peace.
