A picier d sarme robber

  • il y a 8 ans
Tuesday, July 12, 2016 in a sup rette 7-Eleven of the city of Frederick (Maryland), a cashier is not h sit d sarmer a man who it was. It was 4 o'clock in the morning when a man with a hood on the t te and a bandana on his face, point his gun at the teller to deflect it. But the employees of the store is not permit to do and has chased the barrel of the weapon when it was a few very of his face centimeters. Pulling on the barrel, it has snatch l weapon from the hands of the robber who was as taken t leak. A gesture: only ro, but unconscious, because he could take a point-blank shot. By inspecting the weapon, the police has covered d that it was not charg e, but the cashier did not.