Mubashir About Shehla Raza

  • 8 years ago
ASA released a statement on p-values earlier this year:
[] It only happens once in a thousand years. But it gets posted on Reddit like every four days.
[] Ya damn right that was the wrong answer, hah.

Glad he ended up driving you in the end.
[] Thats child abuse
[] He looks like Tony Stark shrunk while washing.
[] I work at a tattoo shop and regularly have people call and ask if it'll be busy in the next hour.
[] And white.
[] Well it worked. We're all now always fucking terrified and overwork and stress ourselves out.
[] 5' 10 and around 10 stone.
[] Under the bleachers...behind the couch...same thing really.
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[] Plus most people have more than one, I mean the first is 90% of the adjustment and they're cheaper from there - seems like most people realize this.
[] best job i ever had...
[] I like a good Symmetra but come on to say she has limitations like every other character in the game is ridiculous. She has FAR more limitations than any other character. Even blizzard have acknowledged this and have basically said they need to have a massive rethink about what to do with her as she's so unviable 75% of the time.
[] Subterfuge, is in a secret affair with his cousin Niko and with this joke he's further masking it.
[] I sell luggage at airports (strange job I know) but the dumbest question we get asked at least 3 times a week is:

"How much will my bag weigh when I fill it?"

As if I'm gonna know? I'm just trying to sell you a bag mate if I was clairvoyant i'd have won the lotto already.

As a side thing we get all sorts of odd stuff in peoples luggage, my favourite was 2 lobsters (dead, but still) (also international flight).
[] Was that from the wrinkle grenade?
[] It gives the post higher favour towards being shown on subscribers' front pages and is common courtesy.
[] Because you need help with words:
[] Literally all I could imagine was a boat being towed up and down the mountain. But to be fair that's not actually called a Gondola, it's and aerial tram or cable car.
[] it's something horrid that most Aussies mock... should be sold and used to fund 4 good movies that the globe can pay to watch
[] Not sure if you're joking or not.. but I high doubt this. They met when they were kids and grew up together. They're best friends.
[] I think he's just so safe to cry with. I felt like I didn't know why I was crying but that it was ok to just feel my feelings.
[] Reading this shit's giving me PTSD.
[] Lord of War is up there for my favourite movie.