Barack Obama Latinos Music Mix - Si se puede, Viva Obama TX

  • 16 years ago
By Barack Obama

Last fall, Latina Lista sent an invitation to the major presidential candidates of both parties to "blog" on Latina Lista as a way to address our readers. As the campaigns are regrouping after what can only be described as a successful night for both of the Democratic frontrunners during the Super Tuesday elections, one Democratic candidate, who has yet to address Latina Lista readers, decided to forego some sleep and contribute a post.

By now in this campaign season, Senator Barack Obama is a familiar face. This Illinois Senator with a degree from Harvard was the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review. He spent his early days after law school graduation practicing civil rights law and teaching constitutional law.

His experience in grassroots organizing helped lead to his bid for the Illinois State Senate where he served for eight years. In 2004, he became the third African American since Reconstruction to be elected to the U.S. Senate.

Today, Senator Obama shares his vision of the future and what he plans to bring to all the people who call the United States home.

I want to thank Latina Lista for giving me the opportunity to contribute to the blog and to talk about change in this great country with the Latina community.

Since the day I was born, I have been surrounded by strong women. I was raised by a single mother, have married a strong independent woman who has blessed me with two beautiful girls and now I’m trying to raise them to pursue their dreams no matter how big, and become future leaders.

As a son, husband and parent I am well aware that women are the core of family. Mothers, wives and sisters are the ones who protect us, care for us, teach us and encourage us.

I also know that for women of all backgrounds, keeping their families together is a top priority. It is no secret that Latino families are being separated from their families every day in this country because of raids and deportation policies that do not take ...
