Shahid Kapoor Joined The List Of 'Joru Ka Ghulam' | Watch Video

  • 8 years ago
Shahid Kapoor Joined The List Of 'Joru Ka Ghulam' | Watch Video

Shahid Kapoor got married to Mira Rajput in July 2015. Shahid has revealed on how Mira changed his life for the better and made him a more well-mannered person. He said, Marriage has changed him a lot and it’s the same for everyone. It makes you more responsible. He also said that he will refrain from doing anything that will be ‘too much’, without thinking about him and Mira first. When asked about doing any intimate scenes in his upcoming movies, Shahid declared that from now he will not do any kissing or intimate scenes with his actresses onscreen. Well, after Akshay Kumar who accepted being a “Joru ka Ghulam”, Shahid has also joined the list. To know more spicy gossips, tune into our channel.

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