Salman khan Dance With Abhishek Bachchan At Shahrukh Khan's Party

  • 8 years ago
The star-studded post-wedding bash hosted by Preity Zinta was definitely a night to remember! Who's who of the Bollywood fraternity were present at the lavish bash, but Abhishek Bachchan bumping into Salman Khan at the party is one of the incidents that has caught everyone's attention.

For the uninitiated, Salman happens to be Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s former boyfriend. Reportedly, AB Jr, who arrived solo at the bash as Aishwarya is away at Cannes, was about to leave when he bumped into Salman Khan. Despite the history between Salman and Aishwarya, Abhishek has maintained cordial relations with Salman.

When Abhishek bumped into Salman he hugged him and he decided to stay back at the party. Reportedly, he dragged Salman and his rumoured girlfriend Iulia Vantur on the dance floor, and even danced with Salman on Bollywood mashups until the wee hours of the morning!

We wonder what Ash has to say about this…
