Saif Ali Khan To Star In Bollywood Remake Of 'Chef'

  • 8 years ago
Saif Ali Khan, who is currently shooting for Vishal Bhardwaj's Rangoon, in which he plays an action hero, will be donning a kitchen apron for his next project. Buzz has it that Saif has given his nod to the Bollywood remake of Hollywood film Chef, which had starred Jon Favreau, who had also written, directed and produced the film. For those who do not know this, Chef revolves around a professional chef, who quits his job at a popular Los Angeles restaurant after refusing to compromise his creative integrity to its controlling owner, and launches a food truck with his friend and son. The Hollywood flick had also featured actors such as Robert Downey Jr, Sofia Vergara, John Leguizamo, Scarlett Johansson and Dustin Hoffman in supporting roles.Saif will be seen sharing screen space with Shahid Kapoor and Kangana Ranaut in Rangoon.