Beyond First Class with Dean Bernal and JoJo!

  • 8 years ago
This is one of my most exciting Beyond First Class adventures. Youll watch Dean Bernal and JoJo the dolphin as they play together in the open ocean.
Als der junge Tauchlehrer Dean Bernal in den stillen Buchten der karibischen Turks- und Caicosinseln auf einen wild lebenden Delfin trifft, ist dies der Beginn .
The Dean and JoJo Story is an uplifting and heart warming story of one mans relationship with a wild bottlenose dolphin named JoJo. Their friendship spans .
Dean Bernal of Dean and JoJo fame gave us a DVD of he and JoJo interacting in the wild off the Turks & Caicos Islands. His fascinating story of a 25 year .
