Wake Up, the Baby is Crying!

  • 16 years ago
DadLabs Ep 254 The Lounge - The place where Dads openly discuss parental issues is featuring a new style and look! DadLabs has brought together a panel of experts and doofuses alike at the Tiniest Bar in Texas to answer a single probing question on the subject of modern parenting. In this video, we ask the question - "In your household, did you and your spouse share late night baby crying duty?" This video brought to you by sweetpeace by Graco.

Watch as doctors, fighter pilots, washed up authors, husbands and wives reveal what they are really up to late at night when their baby is screaming his or her freakin' head off. You might be surprised by their answers

Coming to SXSW in Austin? Make sure to join the DadLabs crew for the next taping of the Lounge on February 7th from 4-7pm at the Tiniest Bar in Texas. Register to win a Mutsy stroller.
