Touhou 12.5 Double Spoiler - Spoiler: Aya Shameimaru

  • 8 years ago
BGM: Wind God Girl (Scarlet Weather Rhapsody version)\r
The final boss of Double Spoiler is none other than the character youve been playing the whole game as, Aya!\r
Yeah, yeah, read more about Aya here:\r
To sum her up, Aya Shameimaru is Gensokyos resident reporter, known for writing slightly exaggerated news articles about anything that happens in Gensokyo. Shes very strong and is probably stronger than she shows since she sometimes accidentally wins battles while only meaning to cover a news story.\r
The second half of the Spoiler level belongs to her and youll be playing as Hatate (who you were previously fighting against).\r
Aya will use similar spellcards as Hatate, but adding a little of her touch. In the end, shell go berserk and unleash her signature move, Illusionary Dominance. Very fitting for her as the final boss. Hope you enjoy!
